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Our Two Nights in Civita di Bagnoregio

“Is this heaven?” I asked my husband. “No,” he replied – it’s Civita!” After pulling our luggage up the long footbridge into Civita di Bagnoregio, we walked into the familiar little piazza. A few steps away, we looked around the corner of Franco’s Civita B&B and peered into the open door, the shadowed room darkening…

Italiano Language Center in Florence: un bel giorno!

We were on the final leg of a most amazing trip. Having arrived in Istanbul a few short weeks prior, we had traveled by train through Romania, Ukraine and Poland. Our love for Eastern Europe is deep. But ending the trip in Italy is a comfort like none other. We settled in Lucca, a favorite…

The Last Day in Budapest

As we left the train station in Budapest, Hungary for what was to be our last time, I saw the emotion in his face. The sun fading, my husband Jerry was lost in the imagining of what it must have been like, all those years ago, for his grandfather when he left Bekescaba, Hungary through…

Night Train from Moscow to Krakow

On a previous trip, we had taken the night train from Venice to Budapest. It was as exotic as it sounds, being awakened at border crossings in the middle of the night, peering into the dim lit corridor and catching a glimpse of someone “important looking” with an automatic weapon shining in the dark. Although…

Maria’s Garden: Civita’s Timelessness

She stopped us as we were walking through her enchanting Civita. Her life had taken her to that place none of us want to be: stooped over, inflicted with the ravages of time. But, as Maria Giardino welcomed us into the private world of her lovely garden, you couldn’t resist the obvious: that as surely as…

Walking With The Etruscans

You can imagine the excitement we felt when on a day we set aside for exploring, we stumbled across an old Etruscan cave, with its characteristic little square shelves — niches for storage and baking. We were hiking in a wooded park with patches of luminous wildflowers and a spectacular view of Sorano, one of the…