Great Little Places

Vernazza, the Cinque Terre.

Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Why do we love Vernazza?… losing ourselves in the adventure of being emersed in the culture of a place we so love, is truly one of those “rich life moments”. We cherish our memories of meandering through gardens along the trails of the Cinque Terre, being blinded by the pure blue of the sea and the sky, with drifts of sweet basil and lemons in the air and wandering through the inviting alleyways.Cinque Terre trail

These beloved little villages wrap you up in their warmth and hospitality. You hop the village trains with the locals and drink in the breathtaking vistas of the Ligurian Sea hugging the sheer cliffs below.

And when evening falls look forward to nestling in with a glass of wine on your private terrace, amidst the neighboring, joyful clutter of roof tops and clothes lines and flowering balconies giving shade to parked bikes below .

The treasure that is Vernazza will always hold a piece of  our hearts.Vernazza And with the tragic floods of October 25, 2011, we remember vividly those images that are so uniquely old Italy: the evocative accident of aging stone and terracotta, bedecked in the fanfare of profusions of flowers.

But, knowing that the people of these villages will triumph, we look forward to our return to the Cinque Terre this year and being a part of their renewal! The devastation from the floods prompted websites offering ways for those of us who hold dear these little villages, a convenient way to help.

We have gladly provided a link for you here: Save Vernazza

Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Vernazza, Cinque Terre

                                                                                                                                      Vernazza gelateria




St. Jeannet, France

St. Jeannet, France

St. Jeannet, France

Perched high above the French Riviera, is a little gift that awaits you. This very authentic French village still lingers in our memories.When you research this small village, you are told of all the” expected” sites to visit…churches, etc., and it does boast the best view of the French Riviera.

French Riviera

View of the French Riviera

But, the unexpected awaits.

As we were exploring the steep and sun drenched narrow passageways of St. Jeannet, we turned a corner and came upon their little market, right out of a French movie:St. Jeannet market goats with bells around their necks, being fed by little girls in long red skirts, a mom – a potter – setting up and preparing to throw pots with the kids. My passion for terracotta drew me right in. A young couple was selling their beautiful, handmade gold jewelry. An abundance of Provencal scents from local herbs and veggies and flowers, filled the air!

And, there at the end of a tiny street was the best little shop, from where I purchased a few of my favorite brocante on this trip. Henri and I conversed with each other, his”bit of English” and my “un peu de Francaise”…and I came away wondering how we could have been so lucky, to have been there that day, to have found not only the best view of the French Riviera, but so much more in St. Jeannet, France.